Red Flags and Authoritarian Indicators

The authoritarian playbook is well understood. Simply put, if the "leader" you favor is displaying any or a combination of these red flags, then you might be instrumental in supporting an authoritarian agenda.

A propagandistic trap is designed to snare you with ease by exploiting your biases until they galvanize power. At that point they don’t need your consent nor your approval. An authoritarian is only as powerful as their followers.


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Identifying The Red Flags

The following is a non-all-inclusive list, I will continue expanding it. Early stages of authoritarianism is akin to being stuck in a toxic romantic relationships. Your loyalty, devotion, support, money, etc., mean nothing to the authoritarian. The moment you become inconvenient they will dispose of you. We're adding more context for each topic on Facebook.

Divisive Rhetoric
Divisive Rhetoric

If a population falls for an “us against them” polarization, they lose; but the authoritarian propagandist and adversarial regimes win.

Weaponization of Religion
Weaponization of Religion

A very powerful catalysts, that can be used to create martyrs on a false “divinely justified” war between “good and evil.”

History of Scamming
History of Scamming

Most authoritarians have a history of misdeeds prior to galvanizing total power. Their victims likely have a story to tell.

Hiding Professional Record
Hiding Professional Record

If a leader hides their grades, or “speaks” about their record, but it is not willing to have it scrutinized, they have something to hide.

Lack of Temperance
Lack of Temperance

Losing temper, or having an explosive response when facing even mild duress resulting in personal attacks, intimidation, or violence.

“Yes” Men & Women
“Yes” Men & Women

Authoritarians are surrounded by people who will rubber-stamp their antics, but this cowardly “obedience” system is in fact unsustainable.

Covert and Overt Corruption
Covert and Overt Corruption

Corruption will be at first be under wraps but it will be palpable until it galvanizes unilateral power, then they will be cavalier about it.

Cult of Personality
Cult of Personality

If you’re dress from head to toe in your “dear leader’s” regalia, or get snappy if somebody scrutinizes their actions, you’re in that cult.

Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Misconduct

Authoritarians weaponize sex, they view other human beings as objects instead of actual people who have a life and feelings.

Never Admitting Mistakes
Never Admitting Mistakes

Authoritarians think that making mistakes make them weak. They aim to convince others they are flawless to maintain control.

History of Scams
History of Scams

Scams such as questionable NFTs, merchandise, and other shady hustles are ways to measure loyalty and gullibility supporters.

Double Down on Controversies
Double Down on Controversies

Authoritarians and their useful fools’ equal accountability with weakness, hence they will likely double down on controversies.

Interrupting if Challenged
Interrupting if Challenged

When cornered they authoritarians will talk over their opponent to make them lose their train of thought and pander to their base.

Broadcast Incendiary Topics
Broadcast Incendiary Topics

A post from a prominent figure can potentially incite violence, because loyalists tend to see these are directives rather than opinions.

Dehumanizing Rhetoric
Dehumanizing Rhetoric

This can either be normalized gradually, or rapidly depending on the prominence of biases being exploited, and leads to abhorrent crimes.


When a propagandist accuses others of a crime or misdeed, it tends to be a pseudo-confession for their own nefarious tactics.

Prior Loyalist Flipped
Prior Loyalist Flipped

Authoritarians dispose even their most loyal followers the second they become inconvenient. Understand the patterns.

Name Calling
Name Calling

Petty or sophomoric name calling, or giving “nicknames” to others is a tell-tale sign of immaturity often used by authoritarians.

“Fake News”
“Fake News”

Suppressing the free press and fact-checking scrutiny, replacing it with “parroting” outlets is a clear hallmark of every authoritarian.

Attacking Diversity
Attacking Diversity

Authoritarian tend to use immigrants as a scapegoat – but only a “certain group” of immigrants. This exploits nationalism.

Ask for Immunity
Ask for Immunity

This is a huge red flag; and an obvious way to say they plan on committing crimes and not be held accountable for them.

Exploiting followers for cash
Exploiting followers for cash

If you’re buying merch instead of putting food on the table to support your “dear leader,” you’ve become their cash cow.

Criminal Charges
Criminal Charges

Authoritarians commit crimes, that is why they cling to power, they understand prosecutions will happen if they lose power.

Squander Public Funds
Squander Public Funds

They will use the government funds as their own personal piggy bank, if not directly they will lavishly exploit office perks.

Advocating for Violence
Advocating for Violence

It is NEVER ok to advocate for violence, even by proxy. Authoritarians realize that some of their followers will endorse violent actions.

Narcissistic Personality
Narcissistic Personality

Authoritarians only care about themselves, everybody else, even their most fervently loyal followers are disposable if inconvenient.

Attacking Private Citizens
Attacking Private Citizens

It is extremely dangerous when authoritarians target private citizens, because it inspires their base taking violent action unilaterally.


All authoritarians are thin-skinned, although the pose as “strong” – but they have a very shallow tolerance for criticism and scrutiny.

Toxic Masculinity
Toxic Masculinity

Exploits the ego of vulnerable men through misinformation by disguising it as “strength” with faux bravado, arrogance, and gender roles.

Legal Troubles
Legal Troubles

If there is precedent of civil or criminal charges, closely review the evidence and the process leading to legal proceedings.

Hiding Taxes
Hiding Taxes

Tax releases helps us understand if people's words match their financial records, or if they are experiencing financial duress.

Lying and Exaggerations
Lying and Exaggerations

The truth no matter how complex will add up automatically. Conversely, lies and exaggerations will often expose various inconsistencies.

“Rigged System”
“Rigged System”

Authoritarians claim every system that holds them accountable or where they lose is rigged. Yet they resort to cheating to win.

Punitive Rhetoric
Punitive Rhetoric

Authoritarians set strict and punitive rules, but they don’t follow these themselves. They often impose personal unilateral immunity.

Destroy the Opposition
Destroy the Opposition

Authoritarians change the laws and regulations to galvanize their power, then punish dissenters to erode any political opposition.

Playing the “Victim Role”
Playing the “Victim Role”

Authoritarians are quick to chastise others, but when the need of scrutiny comes their way, they will quickly call it an "unfair."

Blaming Others
Blaming Others

It's “somebody else’s faut." They use this tactic because under their “strong” façade they are insecure and vulnerable.

Orbit Has Criminal Records
Orbit Has Criminal Records

It is not unusual that those surrouding an authoritarian’s usually a record of incarceration, crimes, swindles, scams, etc.


This is an easy tell-tale sign of division and dehumanization. Racism is based on sheer ignorance and it is a highly exploitable catalyst.

Fondness for Authoritarians
Fondness for Authoritarians

Authoritarians gain oppressive inspiration for other galvanized authoritarians, hence they will either endorse or praise their regimes.

Using Clout for Violence
Using Clout for Violence

Claiming to have a majority or armed supporters to intimidate or inflict violence against others who do not agree with their regime.

Faux Bravado
Faux Bravado

They traffic in the court of public opinion, or where the rules are low risk for them, but they will cower when facing actual accountability.


Propagandists know that if they afford you the full context, you will realize that the math does not add up.  Hence, they will call any actual journalist something akin to “fake news” (yes, this term was coined well before Trump).  The propaganda will have a very small moniker or truth, facts will be skewed and/or hidden, and they will adding some misdirection (such as conspiracy theories) that has nothing to do with the actual topic in order to confuse their audience and opposition.  And it works!

The propagandists will use easy to remember slogans, chants, or other talking points that are designed to be volatile.  Why?  Because anger and emotion are very powerful catalysts, and these can overwrite rationality on even the smarterst individuals, whilst making a person believe they are justified to enact sometimes despicable deeds.  This way propagandists can highjack and exploit your most noble values such as faith or patriotism.  It’s a trap, it is designed to snare you with ease.

Therefore if you find out that you’ve became victim of a propagandistic scam, remember that many before you had already gone through the same difficulties you’re facing now.  The good news is that you’re not alone.  The best way to get even is by educating yourself and others, so they can avoid falling for this trap.  Misinformation thrives when you take somebody’s information at face value.  Its always ok to scrutinize the information in context.

Propagandists Redact the Truth

It’s the oldest trick in the scamming book, highlighting certain convenient points and hiding the inconvenient points. The end result is a flawed “logical” response.

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The Future of America - Today!

I'm not the only one sounding the alarm against authoritarian propaganda. But the voices of reason are like small puddles that are largerly disconnected from one another. Meanwhile propagandists conglomerate [even if by chance] to distort facts and reality. Most of my writing is meant to defeat authoritarian propaganda.  This website was created to unite our message!

About "Info in Context"

The INFO in Context project helps people identify authoritarian red flags and to defeat propagandists in the United States of America and the rest of the world.  Propagandists redact the truth, thrive on outrage and misinformation based on bias exploitation.

Understanding context prevents authoritarianism for galvanizing power. 

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