Uniting Antipropaganda Voices

Hi!  Thank you for stopping by.  This is NOT a “Right versus Left” website. This is a resource to help both sides understand relevant context in order to defeat authoritarian propaganda. There are adversarial forces seeking to destroy America that are hidden in plain sight, and promoting divisive rhetoric to destroy us from the inside out. We can stop them TOGETHER!



Propaganda is the catalyst that fuels authoritarianism.

Defeat authoritarian propaganda by flipping it on its head and use their divisive tactics as the method to expose those who want to destroy the United States of America from the inside out.  This is accomplished by educating our society to understand relevant context on important issues.


The truth no matter how complex always adds up

A society of people who enact critical thinking paired with intellectual honesty.  They love the USA, are educated, unified, and understand the dangers of divisive rhetoric, making them capable of stopping future attempts for authoritarian propaganda.


If for some reason you forget absolutely everything I've posted on this site, please remember the next important factors I listed below.

Learn To Defeat Authoritarian Propaganda

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Authoritarian history is repeating.  Startlingly, we can currently identify many similar dehumanizing factors that led to World War 2.  Many argue that World War 3 has already started, we just have not gotten kinetic - yet. But consider there was a similar idle tension before World War 2 unleashed.  Many analysts agree we very close to global conflict, hence the urgency to prevent it.  This is a collective effort.

This site is meant to help you identify red flags and indicators, and how propagandists exploit otherwise good people into committing atrocities and crimes against humanity, while convincing these would-be perpetrators that they are the morally superior group.  Most authoritarians were duly elected by people who were either seduced or misled through propaganda.  This is already happening around the world - and yes, the USA is also part of this world.  In fact, it is the USA at this point in our current world history what is preventing the world from falling into authoritarian rule.  YOU can make a difference by learning the full context behind the many important topics we are covering on this site.

This is who I am...

I'm a US Navy Veteran, I retired as a Senior Chief.  I've made it my new personal mission to educate about the dangers of authoritarian propaganda, and teach others on how to defeat it.

The United States of America has room for improvement, but it is already great.  And no, I don’t have a preference to either the left or right side of the political spectrum –  I hold everybody accountable with the same metrics under the law. 


J. Marcelo "BeeZee" Baqueroalvarez


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A few additional thoughts....

Truth to be told, I don’t particularly enjoy writing about authoritarian propaganda. I would much rather write about art and other fun stuff I truly enjoy. But I am well-aware of the consequences for ignoring this rampant worldwide danger. Sadly, there is no shortage of nations who have fallen into authoritarian rule while their citizens were blissfully ignorant to the many indicators. This includes ignoring those voices who were raising the alarm – yes, at this point in time! Remember, if we fall under authoritarian rule, then it does not matter what WE want, because our life will become whatever the authoritarian ruling forces punitively direct.


This link to the Half Life Crisis website.

About "Info in Context"

The INFO in Context project helps people identify authoritarian red flags and to defeat propagandists in the United States of America and the rest of the world.  Propagandists redact the truth, thrive on outrage and misinformation based on bias exploitation.

Understanding context prevents authoritarianism for galvanizing power. 

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