When human rationality gets overwritten your biases are easilly exploited.



Whenever human rationality gets overwritten our biases are easilly exploited.

Understanding Controversial Flash Points

Anger and frustration are powerful catalysts used by propagandists to move rhetoric into action. A flash point is something a propagandist will exploit to instigate friction and polarization in order to divide people into an “us against them” situation.

The propagandists know that we are more similar than different, that is inconvenient for them. They don't care about your values, they care about what biases they can exploit. In America they exploit patriotism, faith, education levels, ethnicity, cultural norms, accountability, etc.

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Incendiary Topics

The following is a non-all-inclusive list, it will continue to expand because it is meant to illustrate the divisive topics that are being utilized as catalyst for polarization in the USA (and some parts of the world). It is a trap designed to exploit our biases.

Propagandists are instigating division that is preventing us from reaching a viable solution. Remember, solving a situation is not convenient for an authoritarian.  We expand each topic on Facebook.


“Woke” simply means to be awake and aware against being disenfranchised. The term dates to the American Civil War.

Pro Choice isn't Pro Abortion

Pro Choice isn't Pro Abortion

An abortion is a traumatic event for any woman, and it is a heart-breaking last-resort decision based on difficult circumstances.

Transgender Consent

Transgender Consent

Sex reassignment only happens after significant gender dysphoria therapy. Only consenting adults may get an operation.

Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage

It is nobody’s business what consenting adults do behind close doors. Just let people share their lives as consenting adults.

Religious “Prosecution”

Religious “Prosecution”

The USA is home for thousands of religious and denominations. Most Christian denominations disagree with each other.

Masking During COVID

Masking During COVID

The COVID mask were intended to prevent spitting COVID onto others, like a surgeon wears a mask to prevent spitting into a patient.



There are 4,000+ Christian denominations and they all disagree with each other. This is actually why it is dwindling around the world.

Understanding Science

Understanding Science

We all benefit from science every day. Even if you want disparage science, the device you are using is also thanks to science.



Atheism means not believing in any of the 18,000+ worshiped deities. The burden of proof is on those who claim any of them.



Make America Great AGAIN? America has always been great, although we had problematic chapters throughout our history.

"Fake" Moon Landing

It would have been a lot more expensive to fake the moon landing than actually going there. We left stuff there we still use.

"Child Grooming"

Gay people do not groom children to be gay. That type of propaganda is highly incendiary. People are either born gay or not.

“Banning” Gas Stoves

“Banning” Gas Stoves

Nobody is banning gas stoves, but there are incentives to use renewable energy to gradually end fossil fuel dependency.

Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action

Meant to level the plain field to people regardless of ethnicity in pursuit of the American Dream based on their merits.

Gun Control

Gun Control

Firearms are specifically designed to violently end life with ease. These are tools intended to inflict severe bodily harm or death.

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Fossil fuels are finite resources, and they often negatively affect the environment. However, it is a very profitable industry.



People don’t “believe in evolution” – People either understand it or not. Many religions have reconciliated with this scientific fact.



The pandemic impacted the world, not only in the USA. The mismanagement in America resulted in deaths and chaos because of politics.



Health care in the USA is purposely expensive for everyone because entire industries profit based on its extreme complexity.



We are all human beings, there is actually no such thing as “race” – that is why humans can interbreed and share blood transfusions.



Vaccines are what helped us build immunity in order to survive otherwise lethal diseases. This also helps eradicate pathogens.

Political Extremes

Political Extremes

Communism is extreme left and Fascism is extreme right. Both of them are authoritarian, but follow different doctrines to reach there.

"Cancel Culture"

Propaganda thrives on outrage. No matter if you’re left or right, it is important to communicate to understand context.



Liberals are not communists, not every liberal is irrational or any other derogatory epithet, much like not all conservatives are fascists.

"Great Replacement Theory"

Nobody is replacing white people. People of all skin colors want to be accepted for who they are. Diversity is a positive thing.

Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

Inflation has increased, wages had remained low. If employers fail to pay a living wage, then taxpayers foot the employer's bill.



Being LGBTQ+ is not a choice, much like being straight is not a choice. Everybody has the right to be who they are meant to be.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

This means that their lives matter as much as every other life, because black people have been largely dehumanized and killed.

Environmental Regulations

Environmental Regulations

We only have one planet, this one! Regulations prevent the destruction of the only planet that sustains live in our solar system.



Journalism and propaganda are not synonymous. The latter redacts the truth in pursuit of authoritarian agendas.

COVID Social Distancing

COVID Social Distancing

Meant to gradually slow down the pandemic progress. Like the mask, more distance makes it harder to spit the virus onto others.

Student Loans

Student Loans

It is not that students aren’t repaying their loans; their loans interest keeps growing to several times over the original loan amount.

“Critical Race Theory”

“Critical Race Theory”

We are not responsible for the atrocities our ancestors did, but we’re very much responsible for our actions today.

Book Bans

Book Bans

You don’t have to agree with what an author says, but when a book is banned, it is a clear sign that your counter-arguments are weak..

Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate and weather are not the same thing. It is the rate of speed and disruptions to the balance of the habitats make this emergent.

“Flat Earth”

“Flat Earth”

Our planet is round because gravity turns into a huge ball. Unsurprisingly people who deny this don’t work on related disciplines.

"Communism in America"

There are no high representation of communism in America. Those furthest left-leaning in the USA are nowhere near communism.

Second Amendment Right

Second Amendment Right

Nobody is confiscating your guns! Common sense regulation is not unlike having a driver’s license, because a car can also kill people.

Trump lost in 2020

Trump lost in 2020

Most Americans voted AGAINST Trump; he was against mail ballots during COVID. That same cycle many Republicans were elected.


The “LEFT or RIGHT” political spectrum is not the same everywhere in the world.  In the USA this seemingly binary system makes it easy to polarize people between “Blue and Red.”  The truth is that we are a lot more similar than different.  That is inconvenient for authoritarians, they need polarization in order to thrive.  The political spectrum is not a straight line, it is more akin to a horseshoe.  The further down somebody falls into either side the more radicalized this person may become.

Extreme left is Communism and Extreme right is Fascism.  Both are authoritarian in nature, a mirror image of the same monster. Which means that if you speak out of turn, then you and everything you’ve ever loved will be violently eliminated by the regime.  The far left and right side of politics are danger zones, because that is where the echo chambers start to galvanize.  Propagandist place people into the echo chambers long enough to normalize their radicalizing views before pushing these masses towards the extreme, where they will be obedient enough to dehumanize anybody else who is outside this regime’s control.

Authoritarian History is repeating and galvanizing.  Yes, you will hear me talk about this a lot.  I wrote books, articles, and speak about this to anybody who would listen.  I even created this website because this topic is emergent!  Time is running out, the bad guys are near the finishing line, meanwhile most people who can do something to prevent this have not even gotten out of bed yet in order to reach the starting line.  We need to work together to win.  I refuse to be on the wrong side of history.  The indicators are evident, we need to unite our voices and wake people up!

We're Stronger TOGETHER!
We're More Similar Than Different
A Divided America is Vulnerable
America is ALREADY Great!

About "Info in Context"

The INFO in Context project helps people identify authoritarian red flags and to defeat propagandists in the United States of America and the rest of the world.  Propagandists redact the truth, thrive on outrage and misinformation based on bias exploitation.

Understanding context prevents authoritarianism for galvanizing power. 

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