Authoritarian propaganda thrives by exploiting our biases. They fuel our outrage and dissuade us from learning the full context.
Let's Defeat Authoritarian Propaganda Together!
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Authoritarian propaganda thrives by exploiting our biases. They fuel our outrage and dissuade us from learning the full context.
Let's Defeat Authoritarian Propaganda Together!
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We are bombarded with normalized misinformation which distorts our true American cultural values.

Bias Exploitation
Propagandist win when we allow them to pin us against each other through bias exploitation and outrage.
Review Your Elected Leader's Voting Record!
This might surprise some people, but there is no shortage of elected leaders who are [maybe unwittingly] repeating adversarial talking points from state-sponsored propaganda VERBATIM during official proceedings. This means that adversarial regimes are imposing policies intended to destroy our country’s stability via the official actions and policies of a few elected leaders.
What is next now that Trump has won?
Whether you are elated or terrified about Trump's return into the Oval Office, the reality is that facts do not care about your feelings. So the question is: "How can we ensure America won't fall into Authoritarian Rule" as many non-MAGA feared? The answer is accountability, regardless of whether you love this man or not, always remind him that his actions are to support America, and not adversarial regimes - even by proxy, or by mistake. Even if him and his acolytes don't understand how their actions are sabotaging the USA, and supporting adversarial interests. Ask yourself this question: Is Trump subordinate to Putin? If not, then shouldn’t he stop doing everything that is directly beneficial to Putin, and dissadvatagerous America. Maybe he and his acolytes have not realized it yet. Have you realized it? Once you answer that question, all the craziness in the world connects the dots automatically.
These resources will help you reach that epiphany.
I TOLD You! Podcast with Marcelo BeeZee
The Biden White House, The Biden and Harris Campaign, the Mainstream Media, and most Independent Media folks failed you. They were derelict on telling you what you needed to hear, and instead ignored the American People's wisdom. They ended up talking in circles among their own bubbles. So I started this podcast as a time capsule to give you all your sanity back.
Nothing that is happening has surprised me, and I wrote this book before everybody was “shocked” about where we find ourselves in today. This is a nonfiction historical analysis of how authoritarians have galvanized their power before, and how to defeat them. They use a playbook that is well known abroad, but seemingly new to America. This book will save your life.
The 2024 Presidential Election
Like it or not, America elected Trump for his second non-consecutive term. Vice President Harris conceded the day after the election. Trump accepted the results this time around, and the Biden administration started the turnover process. Trump’s closer orbit stated that Project 2025 will be immediately implemented. This is what America voted for.
Also know as
"The Mandate for leadership - The Conservative Promise"
If you have not read this controversial document yet, you should really review it thoroughly. You can download it here.
This was created by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. But when you actually scrutinize these 920 pages, you’ll realize that it advocates and mandates the next Republican Administration for eroding a lot of the freedoms that we enjoy today, and also exploits a narrow interpretation of Christianity intended to impose several autocratic directives under the pretext of needing a Theocracy in America.
This excellent video explains what this Project 2025 is about. Please watch the entire video thoroughly and then read the entire document. You will realize why so many people who love America are sounding the alarm about this. Credit to Leeja Miller.
Raise Awareness!
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Arrogant naïve people fail to realize that there is always a lot more to learn no matter how good they think they are at any given subject.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
Propagandists win when people with marginal knowledge and understanding over a particular subject refuse to learn the full context, yet they arrogantly act as though they are subject matter experts on that field.
We all have blind spots no matter how smart we are. Propagandists will endow useful fools with faux bravado, cynicism, half-baked talking points, and incite them to double down on false narratives. These and many other red flags are easy to ascertain when you know what indicators to look for. This site is intended to help you identify these factors.
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In the last several years NOTHING from the unhinged reality that has occurred in regards to the geopolitical situation in the USA and abroad has surprised me. There is a sustained rapid galvanization of authoritarian propaganda around the world. Although I’ve been writing about it, it feels like I am screaming into a void.
I don’t know how far my words will travel, but this is my way of sounding the alarm before it is too late. Time is running out, but we can make a difference TOGETHER!
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My Books
The Puppet Master Tools
The Charlatans' Inconvenience
Nonfiction, thought provoking historical analysis of how authoritarian propaganda has impacted the world, and how this applies to our current world-situation. Available on e-book and paperback everywhere books are sold, to include Amazon.
My Articles
The truth is that we are running out of time before authoritarianism can be reversed or even stopped. That is why I write my thought-provoking articles, to bring context in the middle of all the normalized misinformation that is being bombarded against us from al sides.